Screen Printing Charges

Your Total Screen Printing Charge =

The BASIC Set-up charge plus the BASIC Ink charge plus any-and-all ADDITIONAL Set-Up and/or Ink charge(s) and/or additional charges that apply.

Set-up Charges
Charge Price Pricing Units Charge Description, Notes, and Conditions
Art Charge non-camera-ready artwork [*] $42.87 [T] per color [**] Exact Reorders received within 3 years of the previous order do not require an Art Charge.

Straight line copy of 10 words or less is free.
camera-ready artwork [*] FREE  
Screen Charge $14.30 [T] per color [**] ALSO applies to orders with SPEC samples that are approved after 5 days of shipment.


$42.87 [T] per hour For more than 10 words of text. $42.87[T] minimum charge.

Unfit Artwork Fines

$42.87 [T] per hour For orders requiring more than 20 minutes of artwork per color.

You will be contacted by customer service if this charge applies.

Oversize Imprint (new or reorder)

$51.44 [T] per color ONLY if imprint is larger than 17" x 17". Applies to both new and repeat orders. 100 piece minimum.
Paper Proof $20.00 [P] per proof  
Product or SPEC Proof [****] $35.00 [T] per piece Note:Price includes BASIC INK CHARGE +ADDITIONAL INK CHARGE(S). Samples must be approved within 5 days after shipment to avoid Art BASIC SET-UP CHARGE.


Ink Charges
Charge Price Pricing Units Charge Description, Notes, and Conditions
FIRST Single Location, Single Color Imprint FREE    
Additional Colors and/or Locations $0.57 [T] per color, per imprint location, per piece. * That is: Total Basic Ink Charge = $0.57 X ( (total colors on all locations) - 1 ) X pieces 
-- because the basic ink charge for the first color and first location is free.

Running charges appear as "INK  CHARGES" on the invoice.

PMS Color Match $40.00 [P] per color Note: We cannot guarantee an exact match.

Change of Ink

$10.00 [T] per color Billed when a single color is printed in one color then changed to another color in the middle of the run.
Change of Copy $22.00 [T] per image ONLY if the images are on the same product & the same order.
Puff Ink $0.30 [P] per color, per piece  
Metallic Ink $0.40 [P] per color, per piece ALSO applies to any non-stock specialty ink.
Flash Cure $0.50 [T] per color, per piece Note: Your supplier will be notified of any special production-time charges before any work begins on your order.
Underprint (Usually required when imprinting dark-colored towels) $0.50 [T] per color, per piece Note: Your supplier will be notified of any special production-time charges before any work begins on your order.
4-color [CMYK] Process (quoted) per order Inquire with your supplier for further details.

[**] Note: Multiple color separations may incur ADDITIONAL per-color set-up charge(s).
[****] Note: Orders over 1000 pieces will require a product proof. Also Note: When the SPEC proof is approved, your supplier will be credited. $40[P] of the $100 will be credited for custom-fabric custom product SPEC proofs. 

Additional Charges
Category Charge Price Pricing Units Charge Description, Notes, and Conditions
ADDITIONAL ORDER-QUANTITY CHARGE Less than Minimum Quantity Fee $50.00 [T] per product, per order  
ADDITIONAL LATE CHARGE LATE SPEC sample approval fee $35.00

[T] per spec

ONLY IF SPEC Sample approved after 5 days past ship date.
ADDITIONAL EXPEDIENCE CHARGE RUSH Charge(s) (assessed) per hour Your supplier will be notified of any special production-time charges before any work begins on your order.